Graves Family Tree

The Graves Family Tree [Sheet 2].

                               Robert (Bob) Cecil Graves  m   Mary
                               b:28th March 1890          |
                               in Tenbury, Wells,         |
                               Worcestershire             |
                               d: 1959 in South Africa    |   d:1946
 |                                          |                                  |                                                                   |                       |                                        |                                             | 
Maud  (1940) m  Reginald (Reg.) Clark   George (Ginger) Graves  Robert (Bob) John Graves m Ruby May Hamilton                                 Dolly m Jack Sutton   Reginald (Reg.) Graves  m  Sheila         Gordon (Pom) Graves m Denise                      Patricia m Eric Heidtman
b:1920(SA)   |  b:                      b:                      b: 5th Sept. 1923 (SA)   | b:1923                                            b:    | b:            b: (SA)                 | b: (SA)         b:                  | b:                          b:       | b:
             |  d: 21st May 1960                                d: 26th Dec. 1980 (NZ)   |                                                         |                                       |                                     |                                      |
             |  m Evan Lubuschagne(1964)                        Age: 57 years            |                                                         |                                       |                                     |                                      |
   __________|__________________                                       __________________|_____________________________________________________    |____________________________________   |_________________________________    |__________________________________    |________________________
  |                             |                                     |                                      |                                 |                                 |      |     |       |       |        |     |      |        |      |        |      |      |            |        |
Colleen Regina m John Napier.Terry Brian Clark m Mararet Rheeder. Rochelle Elizabeth m Andrew Trevor Grubb.Robert Hamilton m Joanne Morrison.Richard Ian m Alison Dora Goodman. Sharron.Ian. Stuart Colleen Mark   Deborah Craig  Alistair Robert Barbara Averill Dawn  Charmaine m ? Merrell Shirley
b:1941(SA)     | b:          b: 12/2/1944(SA)                     b:1957             | b:1953              b:1958          | b:1963          b:1959        b:1964               b:      b:   Graves Graves  Graves Graves  Graves Graves   Graves Graves  Graves  Graves             Heidtman Heidtman
               | d:25/1/1961 d: 10/9/1971(SA)                                        |                                     |                                                                 b:     b:      b:     b:      b:     b:       b:     b:      b:      b:    b:           b:       b:
               |             Age: 27 years                                           |                                     |	
   ____________|___________                                          ________________|_________                        ____|______________
  |                        |                                        |                          |                      |                   |
Hayley Napier           Blake Napier                           Phillip Andrew Grubb       Kate Lyndsay Ann        Emma May             Sarah Whitley
b:1966(SA)              b:1964(SA)                             b:1984 (NZ)                b:1986 (NZ)             b:1991(NZ)           b:1993 (NZ)

Compiled by Lionel Graves and Richard Graves. England. November 2004

South Africa

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